Port and Airports
With a complex and ever-changing footprint, our client sought to smarten their existing metering network while preparing for new technology adoption as they expanded. The site covers a vast area with complex safety and security issues and tenancy arrangements that include Retail, Hospitality, transport, logistics and essential services.
To kick off the project, SBS undertook detailed audit and assessment of the client’s existing metering equipment, asset life analysis and refresh or replace options for the entire facility. The findings were assessed with current and future needs of the site, prioritisation of impact (e.g. loss of revenue, reportable energy consumption etc.) and implementation plan considerations. SBS identified 75% more end user metering points than initially estimated. The roll out of a complete energy metering and communications package meant energy losses and unbilled values were immediately recognised.
Phase One delivered substantial cost recovery in consumption, billing and data management improvements. Phase Two was quickly adopted integrating the upgraded energy metering platform with newly installed intelligent water communication, monitoring and metering systems.
The end benefits for the client include clear line of sight and management of all energy and utility data for this broad-acre, complex and important international facility. With all energy and utility information being available on a single platform: SBS Netstream
Should you have any doubts about lost revenue, concerns regarding your metering platform, communications or data, SBS has the know how to promptly assess your specific needs.